NYC Gifted and Talented Program and Testing

Deadline for gifted and talented testing this Friday

If you haven’t registered for NYC G&T testing now is the time! The deadline for gifted and talented this Friday ends at 12 midnight (Nov. 8, 2013).  So, what happens after you register for the test? Well, you wait until test day and of course prepare as much as you can for the NNAT-2 test and OLSAT test. As a reminder, the Dept. of Ed. changed the percentages this year so there’s a 50-50 split between the two tests given to our talented tots this year.

A few weeks ago the DOE held information sessions in all 5 boroughs and I was able to attend two sessions in Manhattan and in Queens. Hundreds of parents packed into both of these sessions as they heard the DOE employees regurgitate the handbook.  Swarms of parents left after 30 minutes into the presentation after they realized the information session weren’t providing any additional information beyond what was listed in the handbook.  I’m glad it seemed a bit more organized than in previous years and it was well staffed by the DOE. Many of the questions from the crowd were given canned answers of like “Well, I”m not sure about that since I’m not an expert in that area…” blah, blah, blah.   These sessions seem to be a one-size-fits all agenda where parents are glazed over and checked-out after hearing quote after quote from the handbook.   There was one good statement from the Dept. of Ed. woman who said you don’t need to buy any practice test materials because you can go home and make your own questions with paper and scissors. Really?  Who has time for that?  I could make my own clothes if I had the desire but chose not to because it’s easier and faster to buy clothes at Macys! At least you can get 100 free practice questions from sites like Testing Mom – in color and professionally done!

In Queens for the DOE information session for parents for gifted and talented testing.

In Queens for the DOE information session for parents for gifted and talented testing.


NYC G&T testing session for parents in Manhattan at Stuyvesant High School in October 2013

NYC G&T testing session for parents in Manhattan at Stuyvesant High School in October 2013

I would recommend these session for parents who may know nothing about the gifted and talented testing process and haven’t had time to review the G&T handbook thoroughly.