NYC Gifted and Talented Program and Testing

NYC Gifted and Talented Seminars for Parents
September 14, 2016, 8:09 am
Filed under: tests | Tags: , ,

It’s that time of year again and the folks from (the home of free practice questions) are offering NYC parents the opportunity to learn more about the crazy G&T process in New York City. Starting next week, Testing Mom reviews the process at NYC Gifted and Talented Seminars for Parents in mid-town and on the upper east side.

Here are all the topics to be presented at this must-attend seminar for any parent going through the NYC Gifted and Talented testing with their talented tot this year or next year.

  • Citywide vs. district wide gifted and talented programs
  • What’s the difference between a G&T school vs. my local general education school?
  • How to prepare you child for the big test without the stress (for both of you!).
  • Tools and techniques to properly prep your child for the NNAT-2 and OLSAT with practice tests.
  • Have a shy child? Or  separation anxiety on test day? Discover proven techniques that actually work!
  • There’s also going to be live Q&A from the experts from Testing Mom experts reviews all the “ins and outs” of what you can expect on test day as your child is whisked off with a complete stranger for an hour to be given the gifted exam.

Want to attend? Here are the details:

It’s back to school for NYC schools!
September 8, 2016, 3:11 pm
Filed under: tests | Tags: , ,

Today is the day! It’s back to school for NYC schools! This includes all gifted and talented programs peppered throughout the city.  And there’s good news for District 16 in Bed-Stuy that now has the only G&T program in that district. This was determined at the end of last school year although this is for students starting in 3rd grade and not kindergarten like other gifted and talented programs in the city. Both district-wide and citywide programs offer the NYC G&T program starting into kindergarten as the talented tots are tested with the OLSAT and NNAT-2 tests. You can get free practice questions from my friends at

In addition to Bed-Stuy’s new NYC program there were 3 other new G&T programs implemented in districts without these coveted programs. These were opened in S. Bronx and Ocean Hill.